I help men do the deep inner work to transform core issues holding them back, using Internal Family Systems (IFS). I also teach people how to do IFS with themselves so they can go further with their own parts work. www.athousandpaths.com. My substack is www.radicalifs.substack.com. I offer free consults.

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Thanks for posting, Melissa... and hi! Just signed up for your 'stack. Would love to learn more about IFS (perhaps we can record a call and push it out as a podcast some time?) So many men and women would benefit from that kind of work (I'm totally not projecting ha).

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Jeff-- I tried to message you via Substack but could not get the chat to work. So reach out to me & let's schedule a time! I'd love to do an IFS demo as part of the call with you if you'd like -- whatever direction the conversation unfolds, I'm up for it!

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Great, I just DMed you!

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can you send me your email? I can see the beginning of your DM in my email but when I try to reply, Substack is not aligned with my intention! :) Thanks! Then I'll be able to email you my email! Looking forward to connecting this week!

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LOL! I’d love to record a call! IFS is my infinite passion and I love to share it!

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I love how IFS can be so helpful to see ourselves in a more compassionate way and figure out ways of shifting our states of being.

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Melissa, I would like to connect

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Hey, I loved your RTALM article - described several aspects of myself and the curious bind us younger men find ourselves in. I am neither looking for a coach or a coach myself ... however, I am currently training as a clinical psychologist, and would love to open my own practice in the future dedicated to what I would describe as high-performance psychology; coaching but using empirical-based methods to try ensure success. Of course, I have a few years to go (need to finish the research component of my PhD, and my internship and final exam), so I have no services to offer currently - but I will plug my Substack because why not https://hemibowman.substack.com/. I AM interested to find out the ins and outs of coaching itself - how you got started, trials and tribulations, what to look out for etc., so if anyone has any information or can direct toward it I would be most grateful. Thank you Jeff, for organising this post.

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I'd say being PhD-candidate in clinical psychology counts as coaching-adjacent! Thanks for posting and sharing, and also for your kind words about the article. I just signed up for your 'stack and look forward to learning more.

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Thank you Jeff I appreciate it. Excited to trawl your Substack for other topics. Onwards and upwards for the millennials!

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Jun 14Liked by Jeff Giesea

We walk, you talk, I listen, and the world changes.

I work with men navigating midlife.


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I love your focus on midlife transitions and the overall vibe. Thanks for posting, Lennie!

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This is a brilliant idea Jeff and is a testimony to your thought leadership and hands on relationship to serving others.

I've made my living as a storyteller (speaker, actor, entertainer, writer, professional development coach) my whole life, and I've now been coaching storytelling for the last year. That's involved helping individuals work on specific keynotes and presentations, as well as using personal stories as a focus for personal and professional development.

Understanding the stories we're telling about ourselves by default and then intentionally reframing them, positioning them to work on behalf of the future we want, the men we want to be, is essential to a sense of direction, meaning and purpose—the big themes you've been touching on.

My work on this can be found at www.honestlyhuman.com and I'm happy to do an intro discovery call with anyone who wants to explore the possibilities. DM at - https://substack.com/@ricklewisco

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Thanks so much for posting Rick.

Guys: Rick is a gem. Seriously. Check him out to take your storytelling and communication to new heights. His Substack is excellent too - https://www.pivottothepodium.com

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Rick is indeed a total gem!

I've gained lots of inspiration from how he tells stories, and how he teaches people (including me) to tell stories.

Always from the heart.

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Thank you Eric.

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Very kind of you Jeff.

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I help men be better husbands and fathers by building fraternity.

It's why I write my substack, Build the Village, as well. Many of the problems men face today are as difficult as they are because we're asked to do it all alone. But we were never meant to do it all alone. I help men build community and fraternity into their lives.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Hi Michael - Rajeev's been singing your praises and mentioned he interviewed you about your book, "Only the weird will survive" A link for those reading this: https://rajeevram.substack.com/p/only-the-weird-will-survive

Thanks for listing yourself. I was raised LDS and recognize how much that community has to offer as a model for village-building.

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Rajeev is the best! And Thank you Jeff for the link and for organizing a “directory” of sorts.

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My name is Hawi James Ouma from Ngong, Kenya. I help boys and young men to find clarity, build confidence and roaring courage. I also run Lifesong Kenya, a nonprofit organization that provides housing and aftercare support to boys and young men who are facing wrongful incarceration, neglect, exploitation, violence or sexual assault.

I offer sample sessions and, one can learn more and book for a sample session here:- https://jamesouma.com/

Lifesong Kenya:- https://lifesongkenya.org

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Hi Hawi - Thanks for posting from Kenya and adding to our geographic diversity here. "Lifesong" is a great expression - I love that!

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Hi Jeff. Thank you do much!

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Jeff Giesea

Jeff - this is exactly the kind of idea that catalyses the emergence of something beautiful. Thank you!

My clients work with me to help them overcome feeling detached, wondering “is it’s all worth it?”, especially when they are super "successful". I help them put health - especially brain health - at the heart of their success so they can rediscover the joy for what they do (it's just hidden away), connect deeply to themselves and others, and have the courage to change.

The result? Moving through life in a way that feels a little more "effortless", something I write about in my weekly newsletter, Effortless Thursdays 🟢 👉 https://ericho.substack.com

Having a (no obligation, no cost) conversation is the best way to start exploring what's possible 🟢 👉 https://HealthForSuccess.as.me/20MinChat


At the moment, I coach more women than men, more queer individuals than straight, usually high achievers with a perfectionist streak who are in professional roles or creative entrepreneurship. But it's not exclusively that.

With my training in Functional Medicine, I also coach people living with chronic diseases, especially cancer and autoimmune conditions.

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Thanks so much for posting here Eric. As a subscriber to your substack and fan of your coaching practice, I'm really glad you're here.

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I appreciate your support and kind words!

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I can say from first hand experience that Eric un-hides the joy that you have hidden away.

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That’s so great to hear!

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Hi all!

I've been hosting men's groups for the last little while. The hope is to bring men together to build a space of tenderness and care — many of the guys in my group want this but didn't know how to express our own desire (or other complicated feelings like rage or shame). So, our group centered re-building the culture of men so that we can each be held delicately by one another. I'm a 1:1 coach and when I work with men these topics arise as well!

Here are some words from me on these groups:



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Yoooo Rishikesh and thanks for posting. How can people learn more about your men's group? I notice your work on generational activism and would love to learn about that (maybe even record a call for a podcast?). Just signed up for your Substack at: https://read.rishi.garden

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Let’s record a call! And folks can check out the workshop here: Lu.ma/generational

Jeff, wanna schedule time together! I’m at https://rishi.garden/call

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Jun 14Liked by Jeff Giesea

Hi Jeff, great idea. In general I coach men around issues of leadership, mental fitness, relationships and anger. I have a subset specialty coaching firefighters: https://code3leadershipcoaching.com/home/

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Good stuff, Howard. What a fascinating background. I'd love to connect by phone some time. Thanks for posting.

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Hi there! I help man unleash their masculine potential! Www.nickverhagen.com. Always ready to be of service, and help fellow men!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

Outstanding, Nick. Thanks so much for posting.

Just signed up for your Substack. Looks amazing: https://ngbverhagen.substack.com/

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Great to see this particular need being highlighted!

Hi, I'm Anneke, and I work with people of all genders on relationship coaching. My primary focus is actually on queer and "alternative" relationships, like polyamory, and I myself am both queer and polyamorous! If you're interested, my website is allforlovecoaching.com. I also have extensive experience working with (and being) neurodivergent folx, although it's not an explicit specialty yet.

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Hi Anneke - Thanks so much for posting. We're inclusive here and welcome your participation. I did Co-Active training as well!

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I'm a tech career coach who works with men at every career stage. I specialize in job searching in tech and would welcome you to work directly with me or join the next cohort of my workshop "Teeing up your tech job search in 2024" which starts next week.

More info here if you're on a tech job search or about to kick one off: coacherika.co

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This is so awesome Erika. I realize you offer more, but I love your tech job search emphasis and the way you present your brand.

Guys: Erika's substack is good too. See https://thecareerwhispers.substack.com

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Jun 14Liked by Jeff Giesea

Thanks for the space, Jeff, and for providing Tommy and me with dinner conversation lately with all the thought-provoking content you've been putting out. :)

My husband, Tommy, has been coaching men for several years. He helps with anything from: stress, overwhelm, losing their temper with the kids, having the same argument with their spouse, or lack of priorities and time management. Guys can set up a free strategy session at TommyGCoaching.com/work-with-me

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Brenda! It's great to see you here and thanks for the kind words. Thanks, also, for posting to Tommy's site - I know he's an excellent coach for men.

AND, I know you are too. We probably have adoptive parents among readers. If you're comfortable with it, please share a link to your practice too.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Jeff Giesea

A friend sent me your RTALM article saying "it's not exactly you but, ermmm..." Annoyingly, he was right on the money.

I am a founder turned coach who often works with people in Tech, people flirting with or heavily petting burnout and those feeling generally adrift and looking to breathe a new aspiration to life. Anyone can book a free 30 minute chat and I also offer concessions on rates for those who are financially limited. Substack: https://nobt.co.uk // Coaching: https://danbartlett.co.uk/coaching

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

Dan - I noticed you subscribing and was hoping you'd post here. And you were the first! Thank you for that. It's good to connect. I will continue promoting this thread and hopefully it will drive new subscriptions and connections for you over time.

Guys: check out Dan's post on rewriting life scripts. Powerful stuff. https://www.nobt.co.uk/p/a-permission-slip-for-the-life-you

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Thanks Jeff, good to be here! And thanks for the shoutout. Looking forward to exploring your Sub a bit more 🧐

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Placing my name down here. I've done a fair amount of free coaching over the last year, and some paid coaching. Most of my clients have been particularly sensitive and intelligent men, on the younger side, who are not able to find help within many mainstream institutions for some rather sticky and invisible problems. They feel stuck but standard answers are incomplete.

I tend to focus on the emotional and somatic aspects of their issues, through a type of "deep listening" that takes in to account several factors about their culture, personality archetype, lineage, experiences, and desires.

The main frameworks for I to help people engage in persistent curiosity and mindful awareness are Eugene Gendlin's "Focusing", IFS, and a couple different breathwork techniques that come out of Theravādan Buddhism.

I'm currently in the middle of making a website that will include more information. For now, reach out to me on Substack, and I can email you a more comprehensive document outlining things in detail.

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Thanks for listing yourself, Rajeev.

Guys, Rajeev is a gem. Definitely check him out, especially if you are on the younger side and want to be fully seen.

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Jun 18Liked by Jeff Giesea

Hi Jeff,

I coach men to help them be the leaders other choose to follow so they can campaign for what is truly important to them and find freedom in their thoughts and actions.

My clients fall into two main groups- young future leaders (16-21) and well established leaders (late 30’s to 50 yrs old).

I offer sample sessions.

I make great referrals to other coaches if the need arises.

The best way to engage with me is to use this link


I welcome LinkedIn connections


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Hi Rob - I really like your "sherpa bear" brand and backstory. Thanks for listing yourself.

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Jun 18Liked by Jeff Giesea


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thanks Jamie!

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Hey, thanks a ton for putting this together Jeff!

I guide self-employed top performing men to also be great at family. You can check out my website, leeasmart.com, or read some of my articles here on Substack

https://substack.com/@leeasmart People are raving about my Rebirth of a Workaholic article.

I also host a Men's Group every Tuesday at 12 noon EST. Message me for details.

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Thanks for posting Lee, and hi!

Guys: I know Lee from Write of Passage. He's the real deal — showing up and leading by example. Check him out.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Jeff Giesea

Hi Jeff,

I've focused on coaching men for over 2 decades.

Web: https://kenmossman.com

Information on the IAM (Integrated Adult Man) Program: https://kenmossman.com/iam/

Many of my clients are men who've done all the "right" things - right schools, jobs, material stuff, relationships, etc. - yet they're wondering why all that prescribed "right" isn't fulfilling for them.

Personally, I'm on a mission to create cultures of men who experience life with a deep sense of connection, acceptance, joyous responsibility, and playful curiosity - for the good of all and with harm to none.

While I envision a world in which all people are valued and experience a sense of belonging and wholeness, my ultimate goal is to raise awareness and create “thunders” (a word for large groups of dragons I'm happily borrowing from author Christopher Paollini) of integrated adult men who willingly and joyfully take responsibility for themselves, their loved ones, their communities, and their world.

I've been blessed to work with CEO's, owners, senior leaders, and independent creatives such as filmmakers, actors, writers, musicians, and visual artists.

I also take cohorts of men through my intensive 15-week IAM (Integrated Adult Man) program several times a year, gathering participants from around the world to heal and free themselves of tired, limiting messages and definitions of masculinity and manhood.

Last, but certainly not least, I host the “Mojo for the Modern Man” podcast.

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Ken! Thanks very much for posting. I'm a fan obviously, but didn't realize you had a podcast in addition to IAM and your coaching practice — will check that out.

Guys: I have the fortune of working with Ken myself. THE. BEST.

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Thank you, Jeff!

Much appreciated.

Yes, the podcast has been cooking along for a few years now. Lots of great guests and inspirational, sometimes challenging (in good ways) stories.

It's an honor to do this deep work with and amongst men, that's for sure!

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I am a part of the IAM program! Hands down THE BEST place for men to learn how to be MEN. It has taken me to a whole new level, and my skills as a coach have greatly improved.

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Thanks so much, Lee!

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Jun 17Liked by Jeff Giesea

DJ here - been working w men in intentional ways for nearly a decade thru my work w www.fulcrum.men. Feel free to reach out!!

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Hey DJ, thanks for posting! "Fulcrum" is a great image for this kind of work.

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I work with innovatve or creative, sensitive intelligent men (lots of entrepreneurs and engineers) who have been rewarded for their smarts, results, and can-do attitude and are suffering in silence without knowing what to do about it. My website is: https://katearms.com/ and my LinkedIn is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katearmscoach/. I don't have an active 'stack. Consultation calls can be booked here: https://katearms.as.me/consultationcall

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Thanks for posting Kate. Hi! I love the "signal fire" focus of your practice. I also noticed your writings on psychological safety, which I suspect is both under-articulated as a need among men and dearly desired.

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Jun 17Liked by Jeff Giesea

I would agree with your assessment on the need for psychological safety and it’s underarticulated state. I have worked with too many men who find our sessions the one place in their lives they can be honest about the hard stuff.

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