Aug 2Liked by Jeff Giesea, Rajeev Ram

Great conversation between two great guys.

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thank you

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Jul 10Liked by Jeff Giesea, Rajeev Ram

Very interesting for me: a Boomer+. Thank god I'm old. The doubts, insecurities, and angst have dissolved at this stage. There is huge comfort and satisfaction reaching these years with its vantage point and looking back at from where one has come.

At 19, I was on a psycoanalyst's couch 4 days a week as I was struggling to come out and he was striving to make me straight. I naively told him that I couldn't wait to be 25 so that all my conflicts would be over. Haha. Obviously, it took somewhat longer but I eventually made it. Good feeling.

Keep at it. It would have been easier then with folks like you around.

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You may be old, John, but you're still "with it" and I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. Thanks for listening and commenting.

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